On the surface, this may not seem like a big deal to most vapor consumers. Most experienced vapers either don't find it necessary to vape where smoking is prohibited or can easily vape discreetly enough to go unnoticed. However, the reason I oppose these bans has nothing to do with any desire to vape in an Applebee's or at a Home Depot. My concern is the unintended consequences of such bans to overall public health.
Vapor bans send the wrong message to the public - especially smokers.
Ban advocates believe the message vapor bans send is "You should quit smoking." However, the unintended message to smokers and pre-smokers is "Vaping is banned like smoking, therefore, vaping is as bad as smoking. So if you smoke, you may as well keep smoking. If you don't smoke yet and are considering smoking, vaping isn't any safer than smoking."
This message, as we all know, is patently false. Just about every anti-vapor group has (if even reluctantly) admitted that vaping is safer than smoking, especially when it comes to so-called "second-hand vapor."
Dr. Thomas Glynn, former director of cancer science and trends and director of international cancer control for the American Cancer Society wrote, "The secondhand vapor, or aerosol, from e-cigarettes is, in general, less harmful than secondhand cigarette smoke."
"If we do not step forward and consider bold actions such as embracing the potential of e-cigarettes and other harm reduction agents then we, and the next generations, may have to confront the challenge laid down by former World Health Organization Director-General Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland when she said:
"If we do not act decisively today, 100 years from now our grandchildren and their children will look back and seriously question how people claiming to be committed to public health and social justice allowed the tobacco epidemic to unfold unchecked."
Former Surgeon General, Dr. Richard Carmona, who highlighted the possible dangers of secondhand smoke and supported a ban on all tobacco products said, "We still have one out of five people in America smoking ... there's a lot more work to do. To dismiss (e-cigarettes) and not even consider it ... would be a disservice to the public who are looking for alternatives."
Former American Lung Association CEO Chuck Connor said, “Electronic cigarettes provide the only true alternative to traditional tobacco products, offering adult smokers a similar experience without the same consequences.”
Mitch Zeller, director of the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Tobacco Products said, “If we could get all of those people [who smoke] to completely switch all of their cigarettes to noncombustible cigarettes, it would be good for public health."
Ban supporters may believe they are helping stop smoking, but really they are eliminating a very important incentive for smokers to switch to a far safer alternative.
Vapor bans focus on the low risk of an unproven youth "gateway effect," while ignoring high risks to the children exposed to actual smoking.
Ban proponents believe they are protecting all children from possible health risks of second-hand vapor and tobacco control gains in public health by "de-normalizing" smoking behaviors. Unfortunately, such bans do nothing to protect the children of smokers and smoking youth, who are at far greater risk.
Vapor products do not promote the smoking of traditional cigarettes, nor do they threaten the gains of tobacco control over the past few decades. In fact, by normalizing vapor products over traditional smoking, the efforts of tobacco control are being supported. If anything, vapor products de-normalize conventional smoking by setting the example of smokers choosing a far less harmful alternative to traditional smoking. The CDC youth surveys clearly show that there has been no “gateway effect” causing non-smokers to start smoking. As vapor products have become more popular, all available evidence is showing that more and more smokers are quitting traditional cigarettes, including youth smokers.
Vapor bans propose they "err on the side of caution," but the benefits do not outweigh the risks.
To err on the side of caution, one must also look for unintended consequences. Are you being cautious of the right thing? Do the benefits of a law outweigh the risks?
Smoking bans propose to protect bystanders from second-hand smoke, which has been established as being a minor health risk, but one far lower than actually smoking. Vapor products reduce the risk of smoking to far lower than even second-hand smoke, so the health risks of second-hand vapor would logically be hundreds of times lower than even second-hand smoke. The only benefit of including vapor products in smoking bans is protecting bystanders from infinitesimal levels of just a tiny fraction of the chemicals found in second-hand smoke. Meaning, vapor bans propose to protect people from very tiny risks.
"I didn't want to go outside in the cold to smoke, so I bought an e-cig. Next thing I knew, I wasn't even smoking anymore."
- Steve M.
On the other hand, there is a unique phenomenon observed and documented with vapor product consumers called “accidental quitting.” Smokers purchase a vapor product to use where they cannot smoke, to remain indoors during cold weather or because they are less expensive and find, over time, that they prefer the vapor product to their conventional cigarettes. They move from dual use (using both the vapor product and conventional cigarettes) to using just the vapor product alone. This can happen over several months or in just a few days.
Put simply, laws that result in just one smoker still smoking because an important incentive has been compromised causes far greater harm than hundreds of bystanders exposed to vapor in public spaces.
Vapor bans affect private businesses already hurting from smoking bans, but also vapor shops.
Smoking bans were not intended for public “comfort.” Smoking bans were intended to protect the public from second-hand smoke, the dangers of which were ostensibly science-based. The science on vapor products overwhelmingly shows they have miniscule risks to bystanders, if any. The comfort of patrons and employees of privately-owned businesses is the responsibility of the owners of that business. If an employer or owner finds that the vapor from vapor consumers is a distraction or discomfort, the decision to prohibit use on their property should be their's alone. Contrarily, if the owner of a bar, tobacco store or e-cigarette store decides he wishes to cater to vapor product consumers that should be his prerogative.
It should be noted that adult vapor consumers expect to be able to try flavors before purchasing. Prohibiting indoor use would force customers outside to sample vapor products. An additional consideration should be made for businesses that cater to adult smokers. One unintended consequence of smoking bans has been the increase in litter and late-night noise outside of such establishments. Smokers who have switched to e-cigarettes currently remain inside, reducing the noise.
Vapor bans will expand as smoking bans expand.
One final unintended consequence to consider. Many smoking bans may now or in the future include residences, such as nursing homes, assisted living apartments, multi-unit dwellings and government housing. Such bans are based on complaints that smoke residue not only ruins the units, but that smoke travels through walls and vents into other units, which may pose a health risk. Vapor would be included in such bans although it does not behave in the same manner.
Again, this creates a disincentive for elderly and handicapped smokers to switch. Instead, they will continue to go out into the cold, often at night and in high-risk neighborhoods. Some may be forced to walk far from the building, because they are required to leave the property. Additionally, some municipalities are starting to prohibit smoking in outdoor spaces, such as beaches and parks, where vapor wouldn’t be noticeable in any way. It makes no sense to apply these same rules to low-risk vapor products.
A message to lawmakers: this isn't about me.
Often, when confronted with opposition by vapor advocates, lawmakers assert that the intent is not to ban the products altogether. They try to assure their constituents that they are not banning the sale of vapor products to adult smokers and the devices can still be used in where smoking is allowed.
However, this misses the point completely. Vapor advocates aren’t there to ensure they can still use their products in a store, office building, restaurant or bar. As I wrote earlier, experienced vapor consumers know that enforcement of the ban is nearly impossible.
The reason advocates are standing before you and telling their stories about how vapor products have changed their lives is not because they are fighting for themselves. They are fighting for all of the smokers who haven’t yet quit. They want you to know how banning e-cigarette use will deny other smokers of their success story. They are fighting to keep every incentive possible available to encourage smokers to switch. They want you to consider the uninteded consequence of the law. They want you to understand how treating vapor products like conventional cigarettes will just keep smokers smoking and even possibly push those dual users completely back to smoking, by removing their only incentive to quit.
And that's why I fight vapor bans (and why you should, too.)
So EXCELLENT Kristen Noll-Marsh Millions of thumbs up and millions more to come. Happy New Year as we #fightovape #tagsup #truth #ecigs #vape #vaper #casaa
ReplyDeleteExcellent! dear! Just excellent! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteKristen, nicely put and to the point. We've all been saying this from the beginning. Because it really is about the 42 million smokers who will never have a chance if vaping is banned.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant. Bravo! On the mark in every way!
ReplyDeleteHere in Seattle unfortunately the vapor ban happened years ago already, nearly under the radar, the King County Board of Health simply lumped it in with the existing smoking ban. Concessions were made for vapor stores but that was it. The same arguments existed then as do now but no one is listening, still, as they move to taxation. It's enough to make one leave the country when you heave atop every other nanny-state change. Policy is made by elected officials without any regard to the constituency that put them there... But what else is new.
Leaving the country would not help; this is happening all over the world, with all the same villains (public health, big tobacco, politicians dependent on sin taxes) and victims (smokers and vapers). I too live in Washington State, vape and vote, and what our clueless governor is proposing includes banning internet sales and taxing even zero e liquid at 95 per cent. They are more addicted to cigarettes than we were!
ReplyDeleteBut I also believe, in the end, we will overcome the BS, not because of our health, which they obviously, sadly, don't really give a hoot about, but for our money. So keep voting with your wallets, and keep voting out the nannies, and keep spreading the word there is ONE alternative to cigarettes that actually WORKS.
This vapor banning is getting ridiculous. After 25 years of smoking, I can finally say I am smoke free thanks to the use of these products. I had tried to quit in the past using meds, patches and even "cold turkey" but never lasted more than 3 months. Finally I gave up and just decided that I was going to smoke for the rest of my life because I liked it! Then one day, at a gas station convenience store, an e-cig caught my attention and I was intrigued. I bought a disposable and gave it a try. The thing was terrific!! No smell, no nasty smoke hanging all over my clothes/hands/person after the fact and I still got the nicotine my body desired without upsetting others around me. Fabulous!! I went back to the store and bought the entire rechargeable kit. After using those for a year or so, they opened up a vapor store close to my house so I decided to wander in there and see what that was all about. The e-cigs were great but they were still too expensive and I wanted to find a cheaper way to work my way off the nicotine completely. They gave me a thorough education about all of their products and I made the decision right then and there to make a complete change over from the e-cig system to the liquid vapor system! I stayed with it for another year working down the levels of nicotine until I was completely OFF altogether. I can proudly say that I haven't had to touch any vapor machine, e-cig or regular cigarette for over two years now and I have absolutely no desire to. That machine was a God send. It made quitting smoking so easy to do that I recommend it to everyone I meet. Putting a ban on the use of vapor machines is the dumbest thing that the government could ever do. Smokers are already treated like pariahs in this society. We are thrown out in the street to hide in the corners, behind bushes or trash dumpsters to have a cigarette so we don't "bother anyone" while other people can do the most disgusting things right there in the general public's face. Let’s face it, most people are offended by the smell of the smoke. However, these vapor machines seriously have NO smell whatsoever and the "cloud" that puffs out of them is like the water that comes out of your mouth when you breathe in cold weather. These vapor machines pose no threat to others around you and they are not even noticeable from an odor standpoint in vehicles, apartments/homes, on clothes or on the skin. Vapor machines are a huge incentive for quitting smoking completely and to see the government begin to stick their noses into the one thing that has finally given smokers an honest CHANCE at getting themselves away from their own addiction in a cost effective manner is really upsetting. It's a win-win situation if the government would just keep its nose out of our business. There are no clinical trials to date showing that vaping is truly a danger to the health of a person and quite frankly, smoking is far worse so they really don't have an argument there. Vapor machines are a GOOD thing. They are helpful to society. They are going to get people to STOP smoking. Why would the government want to make it more difficult for people to obtain this product by regulating it and raising the taxes on it? They should be promoting it and encouraging it because it would truly put the tobacco industries out of business. If the government wants a more healthy society, here is their chance. Grab a hold of this technology, open their minds to the possibility that this may be the best thing that has ever happened to eliminate the remaining smokers in the nation and start supporting vapers instead of going against them. Think long and hard before you start randomly slapping bans on these products because they have helped many, many people get over long standing addictions. I know for sure that my life is much better thanks to quitting smoking using vaping. Think about it.